Who is Dirk Harlaar?

...and Why?

Who am I?

The answer is simple: Dirk Harlaar, co-editor of the Ripper online magazine.

You want to know more? Well, I've been working with Amigas ever since I got my first A1000. Was a fun time, having to load kickstart from floppy and all. And I am still with Amiga.

Over the years, my working with Amiga has increased from what started as a hobby for the late hours of day, to something that is nearly a full time job. Apart from doing this Ripper stuff, I do various work for a German software maker and distributor, I am on staff of a Dutch printed magazine, I work for a German magazine which started about a year ago, and the story continues.

Why do I do it?

Well, the Amiga is still a hobby, and, as you get to know more and more people, it is getting even more interesting. Okay, maybe the wife doesn't like all the time I spend with my Amiga, but she can live with it.

One of the main reasons I stick with supporting the Amiga, is that it once was the best (home)computer money could buy, and I would like to see it back on top. That's why I also took on programming as a hobby. Getting frustrated by nobody bringing out new software, I decided to have a go at it myself. After taking classes in software enginering and programming (two very different things, really!), I started to apply this knowledge on the Amiga. As you can imagine, the classes were aimed at pc, so I have to get to learn the Amiga way of doing things.

Will I stay with the Ripper?

This is a question that has bugged my mind the past couple of weeks. Getting overworked, having my Amiga blow up in my face, and more such bad luck, made me want to quit it all. But, I stick with the Ripper. Why on earth would someone want to do this, you ask? Why, it's fun, the Ripper staff members have become good friends (even though I never met them), and I want to help the Amiga survive, and Amiga users to maybe learn from my mistakes.

Plans for the future?

Sure, I got them :-)

First of all, I am working on two programs, to be released as shareware or whatever. One of them is a program like HomeAccounts used to be, only better (no use in doing an exact copy).
Sounds boring, but something similar was a project in programming class, so I only need to convert what I already have to the Amiga. A promise: as soon as the first version of this is finished, all Ripper readers can get a registered version for free, if they want it.

The other program is supposed to be a structured art program, borrowing from Corel, Adobe, etc. This is a much more involving project, so give me some time to finish it. A promise: All Ripper readers can pay for this one if it's finished :) (Well, maybe the staff and I can work out a deal on that one).

sorry, no time for those
Favorite Music:
Marillion (the old one, back when that old drunk "Fish" was still doing the lead-vocals)
Favorite Software:
StormC. In fact, any C++ compiler will do, but it's far more fun to write your own software, than just using software you buy. Try it yourself sometime (as of the next Ripper issue a tutorial will start on programming, and software design, so get them compilers out)
Favorite Games:
Sensible world of Soccer
Favorite Drink:
Milk :-)


More on me in the next Ripper.
